Sir John Soane’s Triumphal Bridge is part of the English Enlightenment and the picturesque vision of landscaping and architecture. In this way, the bridge, instead of being understood as a continuous linear element, could be seen as a picturesque garden. A sequence of different classic pavilions with different shapes and spatial conditions follow one another while crossing the river: the roundabout, the coliseum, the patio or the dome generate different sensations in the passer-by as they relate to the river itself, the sky, or an inner experience.
El Puente triunfal de Sir John Soane se enmarca en la Ilustración inglesa y la visión pintoresca del paisajismo y la arquitectura. De este modo, el puente en vez de entenderse como un elemento lineal continuo podría verse como un jardín pintoresco. Una secuencia de distintos pabellones clásicos con distintas formas y condiciones espaciales se suceden mientras se atraviesa el rio: la rotonda, el coliseo, el patio o la cúpula van generando distintas sensaciones en el viandante mientras le relaciona con el propio rio, el cielo o una experiencia interior.
Cover Photo: John Soane, Soane office (J.M. Gandy): design for a Triumphal Bridge, perspective view through a screen of columns with the bridge in the background. (to which the Gold Medal of the Royal Academy was awarded 1776), Photo: © Sir John Soane’s Museum, London