east-west link of the island according to the present situation and the official planning, and, in sum, relating already built areas with open spaces to maximize process by phases and define the elements of the project.”
“It is the apparent monotony of the buildings, which constitutes the city, which accentuates the beauty of the monuments, of the remarkable buildings. In Lisbon, the topographic wealth is such that one can not properly speak of monotony. Obviously, the Baixa is systematic, prefabricated, monotonous if you will, but the architectural design is not everything. It plays with topography, with the specificity of monuments, with the movement of people, the passing crowd. This is architecture, the city.”
“Es la aparente monotonía de los edificios, la cual constituye la ciudad, la que acentúa la belleza de los monumentos, de los edificios notables. En Lisboa, la riqueza topográfica es tal que no se puede hablar propiamente de monotonía. Evidentemente, la Baixa es sistemática, prefabricada, monótona si se quiere, pero el diseño arquitectónico no lo es todo. Juega con la topografía, con la especificidad de los monumentos, con el movimiento de las personas, la multitud que pasa. Esto es la arquitectura, la ciudad.”
Alvaro Siza
“I really like the architecture that is able to accompany the alterations in its program and period, this architecture always alive, always current. I want to preserve that quality of the building. I am not interested in the archaeological reconstitution, but I must follow its vocation to evolve. A smooth, but real evolution, on a par with the very change of life. What interests to me is the defence of that other formidable dimension, which has little to do with the skill of the architect or the skill of the worker.”
“Me gusta mucho la arquitectura que es capaz de acompañar las alteraciones en su programa y de época, esta arquitectura siempre viva, siempre actual. Yo lo que pretendo es conservar esa cualidad del edificio. No me interesa la reconstitución arqueológica, pero sí debo seguir su vocación de evolucionar. Una evolución suave, pero real, a la par con el propio mudar de la vida. Lo que me interesa es defender esa otra dimensión formidable, que poco tiene que ver con la habilidad del arquitecto o con la del operario.”
Alvaro Siza
Image by laurian ghinitoiu |
Image by Alberto Lagomaggiore |
Image by Alberto Lagomaggiore |
Image by Jordi Burch |
Link to documentary film “Vizinhos” (Neighbours)
Image on the cover by Nicolo Galeazzi