“A building of the Conglomerate order seems natural…we experience the feeling of a fabric being ordered even when we do not understand it or are “lost”. We may be able to where we are, but can nevertheless navigate through our capacity to feel light and warmth and wind on our skins; sense the density of surrounding fabric; know that behind that wall are people; smell who has been here, or where someone has gone harnesses all the senses: it can accept certain roughness, it can operate at night; it can offer especially pleasures beyond those of the eyes: they are perhaps the pleasures of territory that the other animals feel so strongly has special presence, more awesome than object presence, something not remotely reducible to a simple geometric schema or communicable through two dimensional images has a capacity to absorb spontaneous additions, subtractions, technical modifications without disturbing its sense of order, indeed such changes enhance it can accept change of use within the “convention of use” of the greater fabric of which it forms part, it dies if its use falls outside that “convention-of-use” is hard to retain in the mind…elusive except when one is actually there; then it seems perfectly simple brings all our senses into play through the widest possible range of differences has a thick building mass, wide but not very high and penetrated from the top for light and air has faces which are equally considered…no back, no front; all faces are equally with what lies before them; the roof is another face is an inextricable part of larger fabric is dominated by one material…the conglomerate’s matrix seems pulled-down to meet the ground( not the ground built-up to meet the building) is lumpish and has weight has a variable density plan and a variable density section has bearing walls and columns which diminish in thickness as their loads or need for mass diminishes has irregular column and wall spacing, responding to use and natural placing is ordered by its main circulation ways which carry people, services, information…access off these main circulation ways is understated, at a small widening or a location at a turn in the way has its forms bound together by handing is constructed as a net statement of what is required.”
Alison and Peter Smithson, Conglomerate Ordering