Biet Ghiorgis (Church of Saint George in Amharic) is one of the eleven monolithic churches that compose the whole settlement of Lalibela. It is believed that they were sent built by the King of Lalibela during the XII century because he was aiming to recreate a ‘New Jerusalem’. Biet Ghiorgis is inscribed in a 20 meter long and 12 meter deep rhomboidal pit. It has a 12 meter long cruciform plan that isolate it from the terrain and emphasizes its geometry.
Biet Ghiorgis (Iglesia de San Jorge en Amhárico) es una de las once iglesias monolíticas que componen el conjunto de Lalibela en Etiopia. Se cree que fueron mandadas construir por el Rey de Lalibela durante el siglo XII quien deseaba crear una ‘Nueva Jerusalén’. La iglesia de San Jorge está inscrita en una fosa romboidal de 20 metros de lado y 12 metros de profundidad. Tiene una planta cruciforme de 12 metros de lado que la separa del terreno y enfatiza la cruz griega en planta.
As the other churches of Lalibela, Biet Ghiorgis is hewn from the living rock of monolithic blocks forming both its primitive form and the details of the doors, windows, etc. The church is connected with the rest of the settlement through a set of tunnels, excavating rooms and passageways.
Al igual que el resto de las iglesias, están talladas directamente en la tierra volcánica del lugar cincelando tanto su forma primitiva como los detalles de las puertas, ventanas, etc. Biet Ghiorgis se conecta con el resto del conjunto de Lalibela a través de un sistema de túneles, salas excavadas y pasadizos.
Diagram showing how it is thought that was built |
Photo by henrik berger jørgensen |
Photo by David Samuel Santos |