The competition for a new sea ferry terminal that would connect Belgium with United Kingdom is widely remembered by the Rem Koolhaas’ proposal that vertically congested all the terminal activities within an inverted cone. However, this competition gave another project that researched about new models of contemporary leisure and its shape through poetic concepts.
El concurso para un nueva terminal de ferrys que conectase Bélgica con el Reino Unido es mundialmente recordado por la propuesta de Rem Koolhaas que congestionaba las actividades de la terminal a través de un cono invertido. Sin embargo, este concurso dejó otro proyecto que indagaba sobre nuevos modelos de ocio contemporáneo y su formalización a través de conceptos poéticos.
The Sea Ferry Terminal that Fumihiko Maki Team proposed worked with the matter of Non-places through a project divided in two different layers. The basement of the building gathered all the main activities and the parking of the terminal where above it; several elements were located to create a new artificial touristic place. The basement was named celestial vault and on top of it, four constellation or shapes related with the ocean were placed (the big wheel, the tower, the sail roof and the shape form waiting room). The elements of the roof would be opened during summer to create a new leisure season centre. During the winter, they would be used as leisure waiting rooms (bar, gym, restaurant, etc) in order to make the waiting time more pleasant. It was a very interesting oneiric project. However years later, it would be demonstrated as ruin in terms of finances.
La Terminal de Ferrys que propuso el equipo de Fumihiko Maki planteaba lidiar con el tema del No Lugar a través de un proyecto dividido en dos estratos verticales. El basamento del edificio acogía todas las actividades principales de la terminal y el parking, mientras que sobre él se situaban una serie de elementos que estaban destinados a crear un nuevo lugar de atracción turístico artificial. Dicha base era denominada como celestial vault (Firmamento o Bóveda Celeste) y sobre él se posaban cuatro constelaciones o elementos relacionados con el mar (la torre, la noria, la cubierta en forma de vela y la sala de espera con forma de barco). Las actividades de la cubierta estaban destinadas a ser abiertas durante el verano para recrear un centro de ocio de temporada mientras que en invierno se reconvertían en salas de consumo (bar, gimnasio, restaurante, etc.) para acortar la espera de los barcos. Un interesante proyecto onírico que, años más tarde, sería demostrada como económicamente ruinosa.
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A constellation of elements makes the image of the complex |
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Site Plan |
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Parking Level |
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Platform Level |
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Level above platform |
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Section |
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Schematic Elevation |
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Roof view |
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Model |
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Model |